Friends, Then and Now.

Having and making friends as an adult is different. As a child, it seems to happen naturally, almost organically, wouldn’t you say?  As children we’re thrown together in heap, and left to sort ourselves out.  “You like gymnastics?”  “Me too!” Instant friends.


I have been blessed with a few very good friends over the years, for that I am grateful.  But, I found myself sitting and wondering,  why was I was sitting alone on a beautiful saturday afternoon. I soon came to the conclusion, I only had myself to blame for that one.  I have chosen a life that requires me to be near home all if not most of the time, There are animals to care for, gardens to tend, stories to write and paintings to be painted.



These are not things you can do anywhere. Granted, I could slip away from time to time. (I will work on that, maybe)


I still feel the warmth of friendship, though I may not see them as often; lives change and family and responsibility lead us in different directions.  I suppose you could say we have grown apart. Grown separately, maybe. Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.


As Jane Austin once said, “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”

My life is full, and I have no complaints, I enjoy my company.


Time and commitment, now…this, this is truly my dilemma.

Be well,




I have dreams, I have hopes, and I have aspirations.

Can I wait around for some fairy Godmother to to tap me with her wand?

Nah, probably not; I’ve got things to do, time is awastin’, and I’m not getting any younger.

Because I don’t speak of these things much, (until I am ready to share); it may appear to others that I just jump into things, willy-nilly. This could not be further from the truth, I research ad-nauseam. Make a plan, then research some more.  (Are you nauseous yet?) I am almost ready!  We’ve spoken to our local LDC and are set for our second meeting.

The Llamas are excited. Really they are.


The goats delirious. Can’t you just see the excitement in their eyes?

Seriously? What?!

Seriously? What?!

No? Look deeper.

I thought we talked about this behavior.

I thought we talked about this behavior.

…and the dogs, well, the  dogs could give a hoot.

Don't worry, Finn; I've got your back.

Don’t worry, Finn; I’ve got your back.

There are no balls, bones, or games involved, so they just choose to ignore the happenings around here.


They pretend they can’t see the yarn wrapped around their paws, in their water dish, and atop their heads. They lie on top of fabric scraps; try to take freshly stitched sweaters for their own, try to wear cowls, and make chew toys of thread spools. 

Try to temper the excitement Finn, really.

Try to temper the excitement Finn, really.

It is going to be lots of work, lots of fun!


Diesel, “I swear I never saw anything.”

And the best part; I get to do it all in our freshly(to be) built barn.

I know, I know, Lexi…you slept through it all. Right?

I know, I know, Lexi…you slept through it all. Right?

The dogs really do like that part. 

Do I look like I would cause any trouble?  Diesel did it.

Do I look like I would cause any trouble? Diesel did it.

Alright then, let’s get to work.






Uhmm, where are you all going? We’ve got work to do.

Ah, well.  There must be something in self-reliance.

“If you are a dreamer come in If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer If you’re a pretender com sit by my fire For we have some flax golden tales to spin Come in! Come in!” ― Shel Silverstein

Be well, Jess

No action shots here folks, we’re waiting it out.





I guess, there really is no sense in complaining, we are all in the same boat. The weather has the upper hand. Mother nature must be hung up somewhere else and forgot we are stuck in winter. It’s like an old record that skips, the tune moves ahead just bit only to be bounced to where it began.


So we sit and we wait, we prepare, we hope. DSC_6092


We take advantage, although somewhat reluctantly, of the quiet days. Soon the pace will pick up. They’ll be gardens to till and beds to prepare. The peas are ready to go in, along with the spinach, chard and other hearty greens.DSC_6102


There will be goats and llamas to be sheared. Barns to be spring cleaned.  The chickens will pick up their pace. I miss their eggs.DSC_6084


The grapes could use some love; with all that has been going on in the past years they have been sorely neglected. I am excited to be planting more this spring, along with more blueberry bushes.DSC_6108

We all need things to look forward to, don’t we. Human nature certainly. How sad must it be to have no hope, or faith in the future. DSC_6110


I keep telling myself to be patient, enjoy the here and now; rest while you can. There will be busier days ahead.

I am restless, I suppose everyone is at this time of the year [in the North East of USA].DSC_6122


Yes, Lexi, they’ll be time to play. But today we wait and plan, plot, and prepare.


Richard the Yorkishire Terrier/Papillon mix (2 yrs)

Diezel the Treeing Walker Hound (3mos)

Finnegan the Bernese Mountain Dog/Poodle aka Bernedoodle (7yrs)

Lexi the Black Labrador Retriever (6yrs)

Enjoy the wait.

Be well,



Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch

“I seem to have spent a good part of my life – probably too much – in just standing and staring.”
― James Herriot

I believe I have read and re-read every book this man published…oh, for the love of Herriot.
Be Well, and enjoy this Sunday

Wordless Wednesday…Let me introduce you to a few of the cast of characters…

Hi there! Come on in, I’ll introduce you to a few of our residents…

“C’mon in; meet some of the characters on our farm.”

Here’s Riley..

This was our boy Seamus…dearly missed.

Finnegan misses Seamus too; here he is snuggled into his arms as a pup.


This is PussyKat Doll,:)

Gio,had a run in with another male; his ear was torn in the scuttle.

Meet Our Phantom of the Opera.

Jenni and Malokai.

I wonder what Andrew and Mali are talking about?

Well, this is a few of the cast of characters here on Misty Maples Farm. Come back next Wednesday to meet some more!

Be Well,

Better to have loved and lost; than never to have loved at all…

“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
(James Herriot)

Every baby animal is unique and adorable, and there is no greater love than that between a mother and her young. It is the power of this love that explains why humans have always sought the company of young animals. anonymous

Maeve with Andy; you can read their story here..

This is Andy now, a strong bond still intact with KatDoll.

Cats are connoisseurs of comfort

My old friend…Riley In a position he was often in; the dogs and everyone else would just have to walk around; he wasn’t about to have his nap interrupted.

The little furry buggers are just deep, deep wells you throw all your emotions into.
— Bruce Schimmel

My Finni, a birthday present from my husband; we drove to the Canadian border to pick him up. He snuggled with my girls all the way home; he was a round black bundle of fur…we carried him around stores in an LLBean canvas bag. Haha kinda big for that now! Still just as sweet. Josh Billings once said, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” If Finnegan is any indication, it must be true.

Emotional healing is a most amazing gift that’s bestowed by our furry friends … The choice to nurture a pet in our life can bring huge returns on our investment.
— Chelle Thompson

Malokai, perhaps the world’s sweets llama.

Living with animals can be a wonderful experience rich in valuable lessons,taught through their natural enthusiasm, grace, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness. I wouldn’t give it up for all the riches in the world.
Be Well,

Oops, I spilled the beans..(a re-post from last summer)

(a re-post from last summer) Hope you enjoy.
What a beautiful morning,cool,a mist on the pasture, grass wet from dew; I am starting my morning chores a bit later than usual…Howie let me sleep in; he fed the chicks, ducks,dogs,Riley the cat and llamas. All I needed to do was clean the barn and put fresh bedding down (extra snuggle and photo time) or so I thought.

I took my time, taking to the “girls” as I worked; everyone does that right? Well anyway, I got every thing clean and fresh as a daisy (no, really). Still talking and puttering about, I start to drag the now nearly full barrel to the “poop pile”; walking backwards and pulling the barrel by the handle…then, like a slow motion film, I am falling ~ the handle on the barrel just gave way ~ no, I’m not falling onto a nice grassy pasture floor ~ I am falling into the “poop pile” … not only am I now on my hiney, hands, and what ever other part of me could possibly be… is in a pile of poop, the barrel that I just spent all this time and energy filling is now spilling out of the barrel around me. My first reaction, being cool and all, is to look around to see if anyone saw what just took place; no one around, but, I swear the llamas chuckled…(see photos below, there is a definite twinkle in Syria’s eye).

As I was gathering what was left of my dignity, and re-scooping poop,(can you think of anything more glamorous), the llamas sent out a “danger call”; if you have never heard that sound…it’s an alarm sound they make in times of distress, to warn the herd of intruders or potentially dangerous situations; sounds sorta like a rooster-ish/horse-ish whinny. Anyway, they all ran down to the fence line to investigate; I grabbed my camera, don’t want to miss all this excitement. Chester, KatDoll, Breezy, and little Andy(tucked in beside KatDoll), are looking toward the woods, that border a swampy pond… the high grass is rustling, as whatever it is makes it’s way toward the small tool shed. All eyes are fixed, and the calls continue…out pops Finnegan (so much for excitement) he must have gone for a stinky,yucky,smelly swim…the llamas aren’t used to anyone entering the pasture from that direction, as soon as Finnegan’s head erupted from the hedgerow, he ducked back in, he saw all of the llamas, standing making THAT noise at him. Of course, I could have put the camera down,and gone to get him, but what fun would that have been.There may be a dog gone good lesson to learn here (forgive the pun), after all, Finnegan should not be in the stinky, smelly pond. After, what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, Finnegan, came out slowly, keeping, close to the ground, slinking across the yard past the llama’s admonishing chatter; as soon as he felt safe he all out sprinted to the safety of the front porch…Oh, Finni the amusement you provide.

Well, now that Howie is off the roof of the old barn we are dismantling, to re-purpose; I should go down there to help him…heights and I don’t get along very well.

A field full of sunshine…

The girls, waiting for me to clean their home…maid service is here!

Uggh, I spilled the beans.

These are my beautiful tools of the trade; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ok?!

Syria, post chuckle..

Syria is Maeve’s Mom…hugs to her.

What is that over there??

Watching for the “intruder”…or Finni, as it turned out.

Here’s Finnigan, just so you have an idea of who caused all of the commotion.

Keep your eye on him!

Since Maeve’s passing, these two have been inseparable; I think she made a promise Maeve.

Never more than a step behind…

Turn your face to the sun…

Storms headed our way today…
Be well, enjoy your day.

following the light…

As the rooster’s crow, the morning’s sun is just cresting above the old oak and maple trees. The blush of the morning showing its face above the barns; it is so peaceful; the magic of the morning light~I set my self down on the cold concrete side porch faced toward the east, sip my first cup of coffee (the first is always the best, don’t you think) the sun, now streaming golden through the trees and the rosy blush fades… I sit enjoying the light, mind wanders to spring plantings. Lexi, Finn, and I wander off the porch, stopping by to see if there may be any signs of green. After the snow we had earlier in the week, I am doubtful, we did hit 50 yesterday though, to my delight there are crocus trying to show their green then purple blooms. I got excited, and let out a lil squeal, Lexi got excited, and stomped one as she danced around my excitement, Oh, to be a Lab.

The animals have been listening for my voice and have decided they have waited long enough, the ducks have come around the corner, quacking about being hungry, the chickens aren’t far behind. I walk back around the house, as I know the llamas, especially Camille will be staring toward me; as if to say; “Really, you are taking your time getting to us this morning, aren’t you!” I swear, Camille knows when I get up to get my cup of coffee every morning; she will stand,unwavering, staring through the kitchen window…I always give in and head right out. The routine is always the same;pellets and greens for the chickens, pick up Lil Mum ,she is so broody but incredibly gentle, take the duck eggs and chicken eggs from under her, set her back down…grain the boys, grain the girls, scoop poop (lovely vision, right), waters, then the dogs and I head about on our walk around the pastures..they always look forward to their familiar walk. I’m not sure how I would walk them if we lived any where else, they don’t even wear collars, not that I could hold on to tow 100+ pound dogs anyway..silly thought. As we near the house and garden area, I stop once again…I really hope to build an arbor to try growing grapes, but, at the moment, a newly built barn is sitting smack dab in the middle of my garden! This will be moved to the lower pasture as soon as the ground dries a bit..there is no floor in it yet, making it easier to drag, so I hear.

Enjoy some mornin’. llama, chicken, duck, baby photos…their are awards after 😉

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Now, for a bit more sunshine, I must let you know about a few awards, and a bit of tag…it appears that I am behind in my responses…I truly, truly appreciate them all!

A versatile Blogger award..for moi! Nominated by: I hope if you have a moment to pop over to her blog you will love it as much as I do..

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine award, Thank you so much sweet Steph. Do stop by, I truly think you won’t be disappointed.

A Kreativ Blogger award… from a a blogger who always post interesting, fascinating and sometimes delicious posts..check him out, you’ll see what I mean:

I am fairly new to this blooging community, hence I don’t follow or am followed by a huge number of blogs…I will try to mention some I think anyone would love to visit. Shannon, and her blog are a true delight…I just discovered for my self! oh for the love of flowers…:) always a delight C, and her will visit often, promise funny, heartwarming, and real so many facets to this woman! Every time I visit I am amazed. travel along with this insightful, lovely lady. Gardening in Ireland…<3

I could go on and on….

Well, gosh these are just a few of my favorites…I know I have left out a few of the details, forgive me…and I hope you enjoy them all. Have a Blessed Sunday.
PS, I am never good at these links, so bear with me ❤

When winter finally comes, can spring be far behind? (Shelley)

We, in Upstate NY; have had a very mild, record setting, mild winter… I am not complaining mind you. It was ever so much easier going about chores in 30 and 40 degree weather, as opposed to -5 degrees in 2 feet of snow. But, now they say we are about to get 7-10 inches of snow? I am just not ready anymore. My feet are not ready to be cold, my fingers no longer wish to be numb…Finnegan doesn’t care to have ice balls forming between his toes (he hates that). The chickens still prefer to scratch for little bugs..and such (such=?). The llamas have refused to holed up in their shelters, they want to sleep under the still naked, sap saturated Maples trees… The buds on apples trees don’t want to freeze. Lexi could care less…she is happy being, well, a lab.

Old Man Winter comes by to chill my bones and the sun becomes absent and ominous clouds hang over the fields, winds blow cold down this valley…and yet, surely spring will usher in a welcome warmth…alas, we have lost our early spring.

new, old shelter...

Andy ❤


Rain and Breezy

Ahh, sweet Andy.

Awe, Finni, whadjado?

Sophie, you are not a duck...

the 2 step...

Jenni with Lil' Finni

Lexington ❤

Snow is coming, sadly it is too little too late, for now I no longer wanna sled, I don’t wanna ski, I don’t wanna build a snowman anymore. I wanna plant! I wanna stomp my feet! (will that help?)
Be Well, stay warm.

A month of thanksgiving…day 2

Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

Albert Einstein

November 2, 2011

My Animals

This passed year on our farm was marked by loss… our sweet llama Maeve, and Seamus, a huge gorgeous Golden Retriever (he suffered from severe uncontrollable seizures) and passed at only 4 years old. I was grateful to have been able to share their time here.

I am so grateful to be able to have animals in my life; living with these animals has brought to me, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness, and grace; you see, animals are reliable,loving to a fault, affectionate ~ you know when you come home there will be a wagging tale and “I missed you whimpers” greeting you at the door. They are grateful for everything done for them, throwing a ball for Lexi ~ just a a little while every day ~ she is ecstatic. Animals are loyal, I can always trust that Finnegan and Lexi will be watching over our family. I once had a Westie; talk about loyal devotion…about 8 years ago, I had a bout with the flu; I was sick in bed, not being able to even get up to get a drink of water for 4 days…Kobe laid in bed with me for the entire time, only left when he had to go out, and get some water. He did not even leave me to eat…( the down side of that..he didn’t want anyone else near me either…and would make a horrible noise when others would come near)…

Have you ever had a bad day, I mean, a really bad day…when you just want to be alone, gather your thoughts..and try to make sense of what has, or is transpiring? I have had many a day like that..the first thing I want to do when I get home is walk out to the pasture with the llamas, I bring their grain, take a seat,…and just let their grace, gentleness, and curiosity melt the tension from my shoulders…they munch silently, A few will wander over to me…bring their face to mine and I smile. Their voice soothes me; different from other sounds…a gentle, sweet hum; never shouting, it’s just a whisper really, yet it drowns everything else out.

I also love my animals for who they have brought into my life; llamas have changed my life for the better, it is more enriched through owning them. they have incorporated themselves into our family and they become a huge part of our lives. We have traveled to places they would otherwise not have gone, met folks we never would have met…some wonderful caring people; people whom now I am lucky enough to call a friend, Katrina, Todd, Paul,Teri, Charlotte, Donna, Roy, Don, and Sue…I could go on and on…and really mean it!

Our llama farm is a rewarding experience; where we can enjoy being at home, grooming llamas for shows, and enjoy traveling throughout the U.S. for shows and they are huge fun and great social gatherings. I love my animals not just for themselves, but also for who they have brought into my life.

Here are some snapshots of animals that I love…


Seamus with Finn as a pup...he was always so gentle and patient with all the pups

Lexi as an adorable pup


Riley cat...

Juli's dog, Rinaldo (I call him Nali Dog) enjoying life

Si, enjoying the view

sharing the love

Patient always..Maeve

Maeve with Andy shortly after his birth

Striking a pose...KatDoll

Baby Andy

Mali...sweet boy

Our neighbor, Andrew helping feed the chickens and ducks

ducks and chickens...

I am grateful for the simple things in life…
Be well,