
Press Publish ~ Portland. Celi’s there you know. Hers was the first blog I followed when first starting mine in May of 2011. Her blog is a treat. If you haven’t already you should check it out. Some sessions will be live streamed, you have to register for tickets. Her session will begin at 1:45. There will also be so many helpful sessions, I hope to catch this one, as I am new to WordPress Premium.  I am a little excited. crab apples in a bunch Here is my very first post, have you read it? It seems so long ago, so much has happened since that day in May. There have been failures and unexpected successes. Moments to embrace and lessons in letting go. Through it all, I have laughed, cried, and learned. Delightfully alive. Be well, Jess

A Winsome Journey…Yours and Mine.

A series of Journeys ~ Life.


You will love, you will lose, you will encounter many circumstances and experiences, you will meet people, you will see things. Some of these experiences and people you will always remember, some you won’t forget fast enough. Some of these will teach you, some just warm your heart and soul. Do these happen by accident; no,I don’t think they do.

>Finding beauty in flowers and life.

Some hurdles or blessings you will experience alone, some will be shared with family, or with friends. Some of the people we meet become so ingrained in your soul, they become part of you, or they become a close friend (family).

>Finding beauty in flowers and life.

In life and through our journeys, we are similar, you and I; we stumble, we fall, we grow, and from all those experiences we learn. We learn who we are, we learn of our strengths and weaknesses; we find ourselves. We follow our dreams.

>Finding beauty in flowers and life.

I trudge along on this adventure of mine, where ever it may lead…I appreciate the adventure of having, working for, and living my dream, and with a lot of courage, a little creativity… some stick-to-itiveness I will move in the direction of my dreams.


I am glad you blog, and that you visit and comment on mine.
As I read and envelope myself in your blogs, your writings, and photographs; it is a vast source of motivation, reassurance, and inspiration. I do not travel this path alone. I take strength and peace from your gentle kindness, your sincerity, and your generosity.


Though we are all different we are very much the same, we put our hearts, faith, and souls into our dreams. We stumble and fall, we pick ours selves up dust ourselves off and begin where we left off…No matter how easy some folks make their journey appear,at the end of the day , we all just put one foot in front of the other… time and time again. We move forward – together and alone.


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
Henry David Thoreau

Be Well,

Sweet Awards, babies, and pups?


There may be nothing sweeter than a happy baby with a happy dog…

Lexi, (the pup) thought Derek (the baby) was something…she brought him a frisbee, thinking he may want to throw it for her.

Frisbee throwing didn’t work, maybe he can throw this tennis ball for me…such a funny dog…she doesn’t know about babies.

Faith you are mighty SWEET yourself. Fellow bloggers, visitors, and passers-by…if you have not already visited Faith you really, really should this girl has passion, passion for life, and passion for in her Faith. A true passion, the kind that rubs off on you like your 3 year old’s sunscreen, you want to be near, to be near, is to be touched.

1. Give credit to the person who chose to nominate you.
2. Answer the “Super Sweet” questions.
3. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen (13) blogs.

“Super Sweet” Questions:
1. Cookies or Cake?
Cookies, Oatmeal raisin, please…all soft and chewy.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?
hmm, hard to say: vanilla if it is soft serve ice cream
chocolate if it is the hot fudge on top!

3. What is your favorite sweet treat?
Warm apple pie with cinnamon sugar crust …nom, nom, nom.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most?
In the morning, after breakfast
in the afternoon
for dessert
anytime…yeah, I have a bit of a sweet tooth.

5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?
My Grampa used to call me Mountain Goat (that’s not really very sweet, unless you are a Mountain Goat)
I was a bit active though, so it kinda fit me..Oh, back to the question: can I phone a friend?

A Baker’s Dozen of ”Sweet” Nominees:
1. I know, Iknow, I nominate her for everything..but, all you have to do is read today’s blog to see for yorself how sweet she is; Celi saving frogs even. I don’t much care for slippery -slimies much …we have an understanding.
2. Oh, I think will be very proud of this nomination, most men are you know? Don’t let the macho images fool you…he is a sweet sensitive guy, I think- of course I am very far away…:)
3. Just so you know I probably not going to bet to all 13 nominations, I’m just not (it’s a time thing)
I have just begun to follow Leaane, her photos are gorgeous and she is, yes..sweet.
4. Another new to me blog, this sweet check out this girl’s apple pickin’ adventures… pics are way too sweet.
5. Carolyn, Australia’s sweetest blogger, I always look forward to her musings as well as her heartfelt comments. I am thankful to “know” her!
6…..anyone else who has ever made me or anyone else smile (I think that oughta cover it, don’t you)?

PS so many corrections this morning- yikes!

Be well, stay sweet!


Versatile Blogger Award…quite an honor. (One More Try)

I was so suprised and happy to open my e-mail this morning to find a note from http://writingfeemail.wordpress.com; A Versatile Blogger Award for me! I couldn’t be smiling any harder. I started blogging about 6 months ago. My life has not always been easy, but I try to find beauty in everything; so, I figured I’d share my journey with you ~ through photos and stories. It has been a blast. I always have a notebook with me to jot down ideas for my next post, and my camera by my side, as I get most inspiration from photographs (my true love).

The participating rules for the Versatile Blogger are as follows:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
Thank you so much, Renee. I find her writings inspiring. If you haven’t already (and I can’t imagine you haven’t) checked out her blog, head on over there for some well written fascinating reads.

2. Reveal 7 things about yourself.

1. I have 14 llamas. Do you have a moment? OK? Let me tell you how this adventure began.
A 4-H project for my daughter Jenn…her friend was in the llama 4-H program and she was smitten. We lived right smack dab in the center of New London, NH…she would have to lease an animal (the llama stays on the farm it is leased from). All was going well; she would be showing in her first fair.
After arriving at the fair, settling in, and enjoying the first day’s activities..llama pens cleaned, animals fed and watered;we headed into our camper to get a good night’s sleep before Jenn’s first competition. It was barely dawn, I heard a light knocking at the door. It was the 4-H leader..her face was red, her eyes puffy; I could tell she had been crying. “What happened?” …more sobbing… “Jenni’s llama died during the night!” (insert look of horror here) followed by more sobbing, this time from behind me. Jenn had been awoken…and was silently listening to the conversation. We had a very sad 7 year old on our hands. After lots of consoling..we found ourselves searching for Jenni’s very own llamas. We heard of a nice farm in Vermont and on a sunny Sunday morning, set off in search of the perfect llama. The farmer was so kind and soft spoken, we walked Jenni around looking at all of his llamas and talked with her about each animal and llamas in general. He gave her pointers and tips around camelid care. Finally he pronounced,”I have the perfect llama for you”. “She is calm, sweet,all you could ask for, and the price is right for a 4-H animal”. “We’ll take her”, I proclaimed!
…..the conversation came to a screeching halt. “Ma’am, you can’t have just one, they are herd animals. you need at least 2”. (reminder we live in the center of town). “oh, Ok”, I reply. At least, I am fairly certain I relied affirmatively…I must have, yeah. Anyway, he then continued with his herd animals spiel, “You can take Camille, with her sister Lilea, they have been together their whole lives, and i’d hate to split them up now”. More talking..I am now in a llama induced stupor, I continue to nod in the affirmative. He adds, “They are both bred and Camille comes with a cria (baby in llama speak) by her side. I am now, sweating profusely, can’t feel my fingers, and my knees are jello. “We’ll take them”. I heard this response, was someone throwing my voice, mocking me, committing to the ownership of 5 rather large animals? “We can deliver them” or you can pick them up in a few days”. I then realize we have no trailer. “Yes, could you deliver them please”? To where? uhmm, uhmm..think quick., Jessica. Think quick. There is a paddock down the road, perhaps we could board there. “I’ll get back to you tomorrow, we can set up a delivery”, I told the nice man. The drive home,(did I drive home) was filled with chatter and beaming smiles from the passenger side of the car. We were able to board our animals at the neighboring paddock, and the rest is history.

2. I am a paralegal , who worked in Domestic Violence Court Development.

3. I have 8 brothers and sisters.

4. Hello, my name is Jessica, I am a choco-holic.

5. My favorites color is green-blue-pink.

6. My eldest child and I are the same age. I will soon be younger than he.

7. I love Winnie the Pooh.

Finally, I am privileged to nominate……

3. Nominate and link to 15 bloggers.

1. http://writingfeemail.wordpress.com; , all that I mentioned earlier…and more.

2. http://thekitchensgarden.wordpress.com ~ She is an inspiration. I also passed on the Liebster award to her.

3. http://sweetridgesisters.wordpress.com , a family affair..they all add to the blog with their own special personalities…I love it.

3. http://arindammohapatra.wordpress.com ~ I think you will enjoy this one.

4. Teri Conroy at http://blog.timesunion.com/farmlife ~ Always refreshing, and she shares my love of animals.

5. http://nevittphotographyblog.wordpress.com ~ a new one for me…

6. http://asoftplace.net ~ I am certain Kimba doesn’t need my accolades, but this is the first blog I subscribed to and I still love it…though I
don’t know where she has been?

7. I am a self admitted francophile… to that end: http://fabulouslyfrench.blogspot.com

8. I started out life wanting to be an interior designer…http://myfrenchcountryhome.blogspot.com

9. http://ourredhouse.blogspot.com ~ musings, ideas, projects..you name it!

10. http://shedreamsbig.blogspot.com..cute, fun, creative

11. http://country-life.blogspot.com ~ sweet.

12. http://www.theemptynestmom.com ~ She should be further up on this list…I love reading her blog..love, love, love.

13. http://backroadjournal.wordpress.com ~ best recipes ever….

14. http://prairiewisdom.wordpress.com ~ One of my favorites…I will give her every award..OK?

15. http://gogreygirl.wordpress.com”> “A Lighter Shade of Grey” ~ I am a relatively new follower…amazing, just amazing photography.

**not sure what was happening with my codes…I hope you can access these sights now!!!

Well, there you have it.
Some random photos from the last six months…

It is going to be a good day!
Be well,