My Favorite Shade…of green

I want to believe long weekends were made for relaxation..No? No.

So, we have been busy at Misty Maples Farm.

1. We have torn out the staircase…we are going to use some of the beautifully patina’d barn boards for a focal wall, wainscoting, and wide board barn floor for risers, it is starting to take shape. I will post pictures soon.
2. Acquired 3 new llamas. Which led to number 3.

New face in the crowd.

3. Design and install new pasture fencing to divide the girls and boys. We really needed to do this anyway; Luckily, we have most of the material on hand.
Which, in turn, led to number 4.
4. Build a larger barn. Which leads back to our summer endeavor of reclaiming old barns to reuse the wood and beams.

Fencing, is my biggest priority right now. This has to be completed before the new llamas can arrive. How to design a fence, you asked?
Whether used as permanent, periphery boundaries, or temporary pasture divider fences need careful planning and construction for efficient usefulness, long life and low maintenance.
First, what is the fence to be used for? In our case it going to be a boundary fence and a a cross-fence to divide a pasture?
What is the fence for? Llamas and perhaps other fiber livestock.
What type of fence is best suited? The first consideration in deciding the best fence is the purpose for which it will be used.
Livestock protection and confinement are the main reasons for considering fencing, but the fencing needs for various types species,age,and breed of livestock vary widely.
Visibility is a necessary characteristic in fencing for llamas, they are very curious creatures and always keep a careful watch over the property. Greeting all visitors with their inquisitive gaze.
Barbed wire should be avoided because there are many opportunities for llamas to cut themselves,or damage their very large eyes on the barbs.

barbs can be a danger to llamas.

I tend to want to avoid High-tensile wire, or tape type fences, as they can pose a threat to llamas because they may become entangled in the strands. I have heard too many horror stories.

I think a four board fence, about 5 feet high will do nicely. I will add chicken fencing to the lower half to keep predators out and cria in. Pay attention to water resources when planning your fence arrangement. Wise placement of fences can result in being able to use the same water source in two, or more pastures. We intend to run water, and electric up the center of two connecting pastures.

How pretty is this fence-line.

A permanent fence that surrounds the farm is essential. We need to establish a fixed property line between neighbors. This new fence will help to prevent our livestock from getting out onto the roads, possibly getting killed,or as on one occasion,being mistaken for a moose, seriously, this happened. Also, a new fence will help to keep neighboring dogs away from our animals, my pet peeve. These fences will probably never be moved, so it makes sense to build a well-constructed, low maintenance fence that will last a long time. A permanent fence is also a good idea for a lane that gives livestock access to the place where we/you can perform herdsman-ship, animal husbandry type tasks, nail trims, shearing, wormings, etc.

Our choice;Board fences are very attractive, quite strong and are safe for animals. Board fences consist of 1- to 2-inch thick, 4- to 6-
inch wide boards nailed to wooden posts spaced 8 to 10 feet apart. They can be built to any height,however,heights of 4 to 5 feet are most common. As I mentioned earlier,ours will be 5′ high.

Hopefully, the new fencing will look like this.

We also brought home 3 – 1200lb bales of hay yesterday. The girls were delighted. I was too, to have such green hay in January! Utter delight indeed.

barn red, and hay green…and a little indoor beauty.

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As Robert Frost penned, I have miles to go before I sleep.

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Be well,

sorry about all the corrections.

18 thoughts on “My Favorite Shade…of green

  1. A year ago I would have been teaching this poem (one of my favorites – I have a great lesson for it), to my sixth grade students (struggling students with difficult lives who could barely read). This morning, I’m reading about bales of green hay. Life is so funny. I miss my students and teaching, but I am also very grateful to have this luxury of time (unlike the travelor in the poem) to read and learn about how other people spend their days.


  2. I would love to have those long board fences but the price of timber out here is dreadful. We have deer fence held up with reclaimed telephone polls. Very sturdy. Next summer we are putting in more interior fences and three more acres of grass. It is such a slow process reclaiming grass from the corn fields. And this winter hopefully more pens in the barn. c


    • It is always a long process,the hard,seemingly endless work of dismantling the old barns has been a blessing. We have some lumber to use for other projects. When we moved here, there were no out buildings here…My husband has built everything, mostly from reclaimed items. Luckily, the whole place was pasture.
      ..we farmers keep trudging ahead.


  3. I admire you for your energy and the great vision you have as you keep building and improving your property. Such hard work but the rewards are huge. Love those pics again!


  4. I really enjoy your blog, Jessica! The journey of Cinnamon, Phantom, and Giovanni will continue in the most lovely environment with the most wonderful people. They will thrive with your farm. We are so blessed!!


  5. We need to fence another pasture for the horses, so I can sympathize with the decisions. I’d love to do a board fence, but will probably do wire – not barb wire. That isn’t kind to horses either. Split rail is my very favorite though. Doesn’t it make a lovely landscape!


  6. Thanks for sharing the fencing details. Those of us that have never raised llamas would not come close to knowing all the wonderful details that you share.


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