Blue birds and empty nests

Sorting through boxes of my children’s past and feeling rather moody…I am attempting to organize and pare down. The organizing is going ok; the paring down ~ not so much. How do you decide which kindergarten painting to keep, or 5th grade book report, or lace vest hand made by Juli (she was the best clothes designer when she was 5) I may need this some day; and her paintings (I may be rich someday). Jenni loved rocks; her jewelry box is chock full of them (gotta keep those). We actually mined for some of them in New Hampshire…she and I and a thunder storm. Stacks and stacks of Justin’s wild life drawings..couldn’t part with those, actually I should frame a few.
So you can see the problem. Maybe… I will just store it neater?! After a couple hours of this, and a few too many cups of tea…feeling a bit melancholy; I took the dogs out for a walk. We walked up around the llama pastures, down past the ducks and chickens… As we came round the side of the house, I thought I saw a blue bird..and then another. Surely I was mistaken. I went in to gather my Audubon Society book. Could they still be around? Turns out they can! I followed those poor birds around for 20 minutes trying to get a good picture; they flitted away and I don’t have a lens capable of capturing them at a great distance.
How quickly I put aside thoughts of my impending empty nest and was overjoyed that theirs was still full. (I found out that the last brood usually stays with the parents through out the winter months)

There is always a blessing somewhere..just gotta look!

Be Well and count your blessings.