You don’t get an award for the Most Beautiful Things in Life; Your Heart Simply Swells to Six Times It’s Size.

The Big E, a favorite Llama Show of many held at the Eastern States Exposition venue in Massachusetts. We have attended since Jenni started showing her animals, I think she was in second grade; she is now a college freshman.

We have forged lifelong bonds, respect, and simply an awe of others abilities and gifts. The beautiful lady who wrote the following (for her blog); is one of those of which, I am in awe….I think you may be too…

……..The Big E Llama Show is one of my very favorite things. I was around llama people and llamas for almost four whole days! I loved seeing old friends and making new ones. I loved talking llama all day with the public and getting on my knees with little children to help them pet the llamas. And this year it was fun to have some of my llama lockspun yarn to show people and let them touch a tangible product and see the animals it came from.
On Friday, my buddy, Bruce, from Living Resources came to the show. Bruce and others in the day program have been coming to the farm for over two years to help with some farm chores and work with the llamas. I had told him if he came to the BIG E for a day, he could help me – he was excited for weeks prior! His father brought him early and he helped with some sweeping and with a little assistance, he did some wonderful PR (answering questions from the public). I am so proud of him!

But….the best part – and this is important because it defines me and my llamas….I took my llama, Lisel, (the best public relations llama EVER – even if we flunked the PR class), into her halter class – there was only one other llama in it. Lisel did her muppet bounce walk, didn’t hold her neck up, and confirmed for me that this would be her last show because it’s not her thing. I wasn’t upset, mostly I felt guilty for putting her through it. The saving grace – Bruce was waiting for us when we walked out. I clipped the big shiny Second Place red ribbon on his jacket and handed him the lead rope. He pet her and complimented her, and Lisel’s neck straightened right up and she walked at his side easily and smoothly. With him…she walked with PRESENCE and meaning. Bruce’s smile was so big, I got a lump in my throat and had to blink back…well, you know. He walked her back to her pen, obviously tickled to walk by dozens of people oohing and aahing over her (those swaying suri locks, you know). I watched Bruce walk tall and proud. He knew to stop and let children pet Lisel. ”STAND, Lisel,” he would say. ”Pet her neck, not her face,” he told people. Back at the pen, he unbuckled her halter without any help from me, and told her she was wonderful and a good girl….and rubbed her neck. THAT few moments, my friends, was better than any first place ribbon for anything…ever!…

If you were teary, don’t worry, I was too.
If you are intrigued, her is my blog post from last year’s show
Be Well,