Wordless Wednesday…Let me introduce you to a few of the cast of characters…

Hi there! Come on in, I’ll introduce you to a few of our residents…

“C’mon in; meet some of the characters on our farm.”

Here’s Riley..

This was our boy Seamus…dearly missed.

Finnegan misses Seamus too; here he is snuggled into his arms as a pup.


This is PussyKat Doll,:)

Gio,had a run in with another male; his ear was torn in the scuttle.

Meet Our Phantom of the Opera.

Jenni and Malokai.

I wonder what Andrew and Mali are talking about?

Well, this is a few of the cast of characters here on Misty Maples Farm. Come back next Wednesday to meet some more!

Be Well,

3 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday…Let me introduce you to a few of the cast of characters…

  1. Well, don’ t you just have a gorgeous family with all sorts of personality — and the humans and pretty cute, too. 😉 I can only imagine the laughs and the love passed around your farm.

    Thanks for sharing your characters with us, Jess!


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